

jdl008 职业培训 2024-07-20 48浏览 2

  无论你是在学习,还是在工作,发表演讲都是不可避免的专题。在学校,和同学分组完成Presentation,或者参加学校一些活动要发表演讲的时候你会怎么开头呢?在公司,如果你要发表一个 新作品新方案的演讲,你又会怎么开头呢?



  1. Welcome today to our presentation about....(欢迎大家来到我们今天 ...的演讲。)

  2. I am glad to have all of you here today (我很高兴今天能在这里看到大家。)

  3. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...(感谢主办方给我这个机会让我能在这里告诉你们 ...的事情。)


  1. I am going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. (接下来我要说一件对大家来说都非常重要的事。)

  2. At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so sucessful for so long. (听完这次演讲以后你们就会知道为啥这家公司成功经营了那么长一段时间。)

  3. By the end of this presentation, you will know all there is to know about...(听完这个演讲以后,你们将会知道所有 ...的事情)



  1. The next ten to fifteen minues will change your attitutudes towards to investment banking. (接下来这10到15分钟的演讲会改变你们对投行的看法。)

  2. Over the next few minutes you are going to hear about..... (在接下来的10分钟你将会听到 ....)


  1. Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is... (今天我们说的主题是....)

  2. I'm sure everybody is interested in this topic, so I will share with you some articles about it (我相信很多人对这个话题感兴趣,那么今天我就来向分享一下 它的文章。)

  3. Today I'd like to say something about... (今天我想向大家介绍一下....)

  4. Today, we are here to give a presentation on...(今天我们站在这里对...发表一个演讲),如需介绍成员,可以在后面加上:Before we start, I would like you to meet all of our team members. (在我们开始前,先让我们认识一下这次的团员。)


  1. Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda. (在演讲正式开始之前,让我们来看看今天的大概内容。)

  2. The main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...(这个演讲的主要内容是...)

  3. Before we start, let's take a moment and think of...(和听众做一个小小互动,把问题带给他们,然后让他们带着问题一边思考一边听接下来的演讲,从中也可以让他们知道你这次演讲的主题是什么。)

  以后演讲前不要一上台就只会说:Today we are going to present.... 有这么多语句可以开头,赶紧收藏吧!




  Tell A Good Story 讲故事法


  宋梓菡视频案例 00:05-00:36

  Here's a bottle of water. What would you do with this plastic bottle after drinking it up? You may just throw it away as you think the bottle is useless. But to my grandma, this seemingly useless bottle can be turned into a beautiful flowerpot, a unique watering can or a special pencil container. You see, by thinking differently, we can make something useless useful.

  — By Song Zihan (2015 FLTRP Cup)




Question / Startle Your Audience 提问 / 反问法


  倪侃视频案例 03:13-03:31

  In 2009 avian flu virus was discovered. Combining the elements that cause bird flu and swine flu, this new H1N1 flu, spread quickly. But guess who was the first to discover and make the precise prediction about the outburst of this virus in the US? It’s not the FBI, it’s not CDC, it’s Google.

  — By Ni Kan (2015 FLTRP Cup)




Make Visual Stimulation 视觉刺激法

  此法最适用于引起观众的注意,使其能明晰要点。使用视觉刺激能让演讲变得更加丰富多彩、更加生动有趣,并且让观众能够更好地理解你想要表达 。

  罗翌睿视频案例 00:41-01:37

  So I suppose You often receive cards. And you’re happy. But You may not be so happy when you receive such kind of cards. So, well, it with the key arts of its elements, illegible words, “Happy new year” it says. Actually, I want to quote a great designer he once said this kind of “crude fabrication” makes him “slightly embarrassed to be a human”. Well, maybe it’s not that so serious, I made it happen last night, but it’s clearly an unintelligible way of articulating sincerity, compared to this simple elegant and beautiful I made it as well. So, for example, if a girl receives these two cards from two guys simultaneously, which one do you think she will choose?

  — By Luo Yirui (2015 FLTRP Cup)






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