

jdl008 职业培训 2024-07-04 30浏览 0

  【要点点拨】1 强调句型

  高考命题导向:“It is/was…who/that…”强调句型是重要的句型之一,是高考考查的重点之一。此句型可强调主语、宾语、状语。如果强调谓语时,用do/does/did+动词原形。高考通常考查强调句与几个易混句型连词的使用和强调句的问句。 (强调句型注意事项见下表)


  【要点点拨】2 倒装

  倒转句的考查主要从以下几个方面入手:1) 含有否定意味的词置于句首,部分倒装;2)only+状语/状语从句置于句首,部分倒装;3)so/such…that句型中,so+形容词/副词提前,部分倒装;4)表示方位的副词或介词短语放在句首,要完全倒装。

  一 倒装句用法一览表



  二 特别提示

  1. There be结构的倒装句型中,there后还可接lie, live,stand, seem to be等。

  例如:There lived an old man in the village long long ago.

  2. here, there, now, then(只用过去式), up, down, away, out等副词位于句首,主语为代词时不倒装。例如:Out he rushed.

  3. 直接引语的一部分或全部位于句首,主句倒装。但是主语为代词时不倒装。

  “You had better stay at home,” she said.

  4. So位于句首不倒装的情况:主语与前句相同,表赞同, 译为“确实如此”。

  例句:---Mike studies hard.

  ---So he does. (确实是。) 比较: (---So do I .我也是。)

  5. 表示前句内容也适用于另外的人或事,前句如果列举了两种事实以上,用 “So it is/was with sb/sth.”回答。

  ---Tom is kind and often helps those in trouble.

  ---So it is with his father.

  【要点点拨】3 省略句





  【要点点拨】4 替代(避免重复,连接上下文)

  1. 名词性替代

  one 替代上文出现过的可数名词或词组;ones替代复数名词,指人或物皆可。

  The grey horse is stronger than the black one.

  The new design is much better than the old ones.

  2. the(....)one 特指,a (...) one 泛指

  3. one与ones的省略:其前若有this/these/that/those/which/either/neither/another/the last/the next等限定词时

  Joe broke the coffee-pot, so he has to buy another(one).

  Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can't remember which (one).


  I prefer the large vase to the small (one).

  There are good apples as well as bad (ones).


  I'd prefer a large bottle to a small.(F)

  I'd prefer a large bottle to a small one.(T)


  One must love one's country.

  One person is enough for the work.

  My old car is better than the new one.

  二 动词替代

  1. do 代替动词词组中心词

  He swam as well as he did(swam) ten years ago.

  2. do so 替代动宾或动状结构

  Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas are not able to do so( clean


  He smokes a lot. Does his brother do so?

  3. do so代替动宾结构时,so可用it/that/this取代。it指具体事物.

  --Why don't you do the experiment?

  --Ok, I've got a better idea .Why don't we do it together.

  三 分句性替代

  1. so替代肯定的陈述句(肯定答语中)

  在believe/be afraid/expect/fear/hope/imagine/say/tell/think/suppose等词后

  --A we late? --I'm afraid so.

  --Your father and me were friends when young. --I've been told so.

  2. not 替代否定的陈述句

  think/believe/suppose/expect/hope/guess/be afraid 等词后

  --Is there going to be a meeting tonight?

  --I suppose not.

  I don't think/believe/suppose/expect so.


  Does the bell ring in the kitchen?

  I don't think so.

  【要点点拨】5 it的语法

  一 实义it


  --Would you like me to carry your bag?

  --No,thanks. I can manage it myself.

  --We've been invited to the ball at the palace.

  --Really? I can't believe it.


  (The door bell rings) Go and open the door,Miss Green.It may be the police.

  3. do it /so 指做提到过的那件事

  You promised to write the article.

  You must do it.


  1. 无具体意义,表时间、距离、天气、季节、气候、温度、自然环境等

  In Britain it is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.

  What time is it by your watch?

  It's about 500 yards from here.

  It was very quite in the cafe.


  --Why was that?

  --It's like this, we black people want equal rights.


  1)It is /was time +since....(若为非延续动词,意思是“做......已经多长时间了;若为延续性动词,则意思是“不做......多长时间了”

  It is 15 years since she left.

  It has been two years since I smoked .

  It is two years since he was in the army.

  2) It is/was time for sb to do sth/for sth

  It's time that...... 从句用虚拟,即did或should do)

  It's one's first/second...time that...从句用完成时

  It's (not) be time before....

  But it will be more than 100 years before the country begins once again to look as it did before.(100年后才能恢复到原来的样子)

  It was not long before the thief was caught.

  注:肯定句:"多久后才......" 否定句:“用不了多久就......"

  三 先行(形式)it

  1. 作形式宾语,代表不定式、动名词或名词性从句

  He found it impossible to cotinue living in Germany.

  Do you consider it any good trying again.

  I must make it clear that I'll always surport you.

  注: it 还可用于enjoy/hate/like/love等表情感的动词后

  I don't like it when you shout at me.

  I hate it when people speak with their mouths full of food.


  It's important to know the meanings of guestures and movements in the foreign country.

  It's no use talking to hime about it.

  It isn't decided when we shall set off.

  It's certain that fuels cause a lot of pollution.

  3.It doesn't matter为固定句型,其后有时可跟从句

  --I'm sorry I'm late.

  --It doesn't matter.

  It doesn't matter what you say./how you are dressed.

  Does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman.

  四 强调句型it

  1. It is/was...that/who/whom...

  It was me that /who /whom he blamed.

  It was we that /who held a meeting in the club yesterday.

  2. Was/Is ....that/who...?

  Was it Tom who/that broke the glass?

  3. 问词+is/was...that/who...?

  What is it that you want me to do?


  1. Here you want to see.

  A. comes the comrade B. comes a comrade

  C. the comrade comes D. is coming a comrade

  2. Now your turn to keep guard.

  A. there is B. is going C. comes D. has come

  3. Spring begins in March, then .

  A. April and May come B. April is coming

  C. come April and May D. is April coming

  4. He has finished his work, .

  A. I have finished so B. so finished I

  C. so can I D. so have I

  5. He can hardly drive a car, .

  A. so can’t I B. can’t I either C. I can’t too D. neither can I

  6. than they started to work.

  A. No sooner they had got to the plant B. No sooner did they get to the plant

  C. No sooner had they got to the plant D. As soon as they got to the plant

  7. Not until Mr. Smith came to China what kind of a country she is.

  A. did he know B. he knew C. he didn’t know D. he could know

  8. Across the river .

  A. lies a new built bridge B. lies a newly built bridge

  C. a new built bridge lies D. a newly built bridge lies

  9. So fast that it’s difficult for us to imagine its speed.

  A. light travels B. travels the light C. do light travels D. does light travel

  10. Not only the data fed into it, but it can also analyse them.

  A. can the computer memorize B. the computer can memorize

  C. do the computer memorize D. can memorize the computer

  11. talk about the importance of English study.

  A. Little need I B. Little I need C. Little did I need D. Little I needed

  12. ill-mannered, the laziest and most irresponsible creature you could ever hope to meet.

  A. Not only is he … but he is also B. Not only is he … but also is he

  C. Not only he is … but also is he D. Not only be he … but also he be

  13. got outside than it began to rain.

  A. Not sooner I had B. No sooner had I

  C. No sooner I D. I no sooner had got

  14. did Anne realize that there was danger.

  A. On entering the store B. After he had entered the store

  C. Only after entering the store D. As soon as he entered the store

  15. Very seldom that two clocks or watches exactly agree.

  A. you find B. you will find C. you do find D. do you find

  16. You think everything will be all right in time. .

  A. So I do B. So I think C. Nor do I D. So do I

  17. Little that John would become a famous writer.

  A. we thought B. we think C. did we think D. we think of

  18. My brother had a bad cold last week, .

  A. so had I B. so I had C. so did I D. so I did

  19. Not only to New York but also there for a time.

  A. has he been … he worked B. has he been … did he work

  C. he has been … did he work D. he has gone … did he work

  20. Not only a writer but also here.

  A. a doctor were wanted B. were a doctor wanted

  C. a doctor was wanted D. was a doctor wanted

  21. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages attracted the audience’s interest.

  A. so that B. what C. in which D. that

  22. Neither read, nor to write.

  A. can he … can he B. can he … he can

  C. he can…. Can he D. he can … he can

  23. Not Until the work to bed.

  A. did he finish … he went B. he finished … he went

  C. he finished … did he go D. he finished … had he gone

  24. It was a year ago I first met him here.

  A. which B. that C. in which D. when

  25. Who is it is waiting outside the room?

  A. who B. whom C. which D. that

  26. It was not until 11 o’clock the experiment.

  A. did he finish B. that he finished

  C. when they finished D. that did he finish

  27. Barely had they seated themselves hurriedly in the theatre _____ the curtain went up.

  A. than B. when C. as soon as D. before

  28. I’d rather stay at home than go to see a film, .

  A. neither had he B. neither would he

  C. so had he D. so would he

  29. Often the girl sing in her room.

  A. hears he B. he hears C. does he hear D. does hears he

  30. On the top of the hill where I once visited the monk.

  A. a temple stands B. does a temple stand

  C. a temple stands there D. stands a temple

  31. Was it because he was ill he asked for leave?

  A. and B. that C. that’s D. so

  32. Is it in that factory this kind of cat is made?

  A. in which B. where C. that D. which

  33. Not a single song at yesterday’s party.

  A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing

  34. Not only _____ their money, but they were also in danger of losing their lives.

  A. lost they B. they lost C. did they lose D. they did lose

  35. Barely time to catch the bus.

  A. did he has B. he has C. has he D. did he have

  36. On the stairs in red.

  A. a small dark-haired girl was sitting

  B. was sitting a small dark-haired girl

  C. sitting a small dark-haired girl was

  D. was a small dark-haired girl sitting

  37. “May I use your calculator”

  “ .”

  A. Here is it B. Here are you C. Here the calculator is D. Here you are

  38. hot is the sun that we cannot go out at present.

  A. Very B. Too C. So D. Such

  39. do I get invited into his office.

  A. Only B. Rarely C. Not only D. Never before

  40. A few miles further on .

  A. the city lies of Springfield B. does the city of Springfield lie

  C. lies the city of Springfield D. where lies the city of Springfield

  41. Which sentence is right?

  A. Do the great Chinese people live long ! B. Long live the great Chinese people !

  C. Long will the great Chinese people live ! D. Long live for the great Chinese people !

  42. Which sentence is right.

  A. May you succeed ! B. You may succeed!

  C. Succeed may you ! D. Succeed you may!

  43. Very important in the farmers’ life .

  A. the radio weather report is B. the radio weather report has been

  C. is the radio weather report D. have been the radio weather report

  44. His parents are always strict with him . Only after his homework

  to go out and play with his friends.

  A. he has finished , was he allows

  B. he has finished , he is allowed

  C. he had finished , was he allowed

  D. he finished , is he allowed

  45. Only in this way expect to get over so many difficulties .

  A. we are sure to B. can we C. that we can D. that can we

  46. Was it during the Second World War _____ his family all died?

  A. that B. then C. when D. in which

  47. I really don’t know _____ it was that answered the phone this morning.

  A. why B. who C. how D. whether

  48. It was ten years ____ he returned to his hometown and set out to revenge his dead father.

  A. since B. that C. before D. when

  49.Beneath our feet _____ that our life depends on for food and clothing.

  A. the earth lay B. the earth lies C. lies the earth D. does the earth lie

  50. He’ll never succeed , hard he tires.

  A. whatever B. despite C. though D. however

  51.--David has made great progress recently.

  --____ and ____.

  A. So he has, so you have B. So he has, so have you

  C. So has he, so have you D.So has he , so have you.

  52. I hate____ when people talk with their mouths full.

  A. it B. that C. these D. them

  53. ---Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can’t find a repair shop.

  ---I know____ nearby. Come on, I ’ll show you.

  A. one B. it C. some D. that

  54.–Did you find your pen yesterday?

  –No, I didn’t find ____. But I’ve bought____. .

  A. it; it B. one; it C. it; one D. one; one

  55.____ was not until yesterday that he realized that he was wrong.

  A.That B. It C. This D. He


  强调句和倒装句与省略:1-5ACCDD 6-10CABDA 11-15AABCD 16-2 0DCCAC 21-25DACBD 26-30BBDCD 31-35BCCCD 36-40BDCBC

  41-45BACDB 46-50ABCCD 51-55BAACB(02)



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